The Fitness of Your Pharmacy
10 (Monthly) Key Performance Indicators that attribute the total health of your pharmacy Independent pharmacies come in all shapes and sizes. While each store is unique in their special way, there are many intricacies that impact the overall health of a store. Because of this, we surveyed leading pharmacies to ...
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Amplify your Pharmacy’s Prescription Performance
Strategies for Turning up your Pharmacy’s RX Volume Volume is king in the pharmacy business. As a reult, pharmacies filling more prescriptions and those focusing on growing their incremental fills are more successful than those that carry the belief that filling more prescriptions is too costly. However, not all prescriptions ...
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Profits Per Prescription
What Does Gross Profit Per Prescription means to Your Independent Pharmacy? Most of us do not have unlimited space within our independent pharmacies. Because of this, every square foot of space in your store needs to be profitable. This includes understanding the everything that goes into every prescription that your ...
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